If YOU cancel
Cancellation up to 24hrs before your requested tour will result in a full refund. Cancellation within 24hrs will NOT attract a refund.
If a Time change occurs
Upon checkout we request your arrival and departure dates so that in the event of unsuitable weather conditions, we are able to reschedule your tour to the next available date and time (during your stay). This feature is to ensure you receive the best possible experience. If a reschedule occurs, no refund will be applicable.
If a tour reschedule is NOT possible we will provide a full refund.
If WE cancel
A Coral Viewing or Ultimate Snorkelling Tour may be cancelled in the event of unfavourable weather including:
- Heavy rainfall
- Strong winds
- Unfavourable weather forecast
Safety is our primary concern. Mount Gower is classified as a remote environment and as such; extra caution will be exercised by LHET to ensure that you have a safe and memorable experience.
If a cancellation is deemed necessary, a LHET staff member will notify you before 7am on the scheduled day of the Trek. If at all possible we will provide a suitable rescheduled trek. If this is not an option a full refund will be provided.
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